Fiduciary Pharmacy Benefits Manager (PBM) for Employers

Minimize pharmacy benefit spend. Maximize clinical care.

US-Rx Care: Helping Employers & Employees Save

Prescription drug spending is the fastest-growing sector of national healthcare expenditures. Without strategic savings solutions in place, self-insured employers risk serious damage to their profit margins. US-Rx Care works to protect employers with self-funded employee health plans by delivering substantial pharmacy savings without any change to benefit design and minimal member disruption. We strive to provide the most clinically-effective medications at the lowest possible price, reducing prescription drug costs for plan sponsors and participants alike.

Discover Your Savings Solutions

Change My PBM

Uncover missed savings opportunities for significant reductions in pharmacy spend.

Employer Icon

Keep My PBM

Supplement your PBM relationship with our Right Rx services for maximum savings.

Explore Resources for Employers

Group plan savings case study mockup

Success Story:
How US-RX care saved a group plan $3.1MM a year

Specialty Savings Mcckup

White Paper:
Critically important strategies to reduce specialty spend.

CAA Quick Guide

Industry Brief:
CAA Quick Guide for self-insured employers.

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Schedule a meeting today to learn how US-Rx Care can help you save up to 50% on pharmacy benefits in just 12 months.

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