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Proven Track Record

US-Rx Care’s proprietary clinical management systems and programs have stood the test of time. Over $1 Billion in annual client savings on pharmacy benefit spend and 30%-50% improvements across multiple HEDIS/Stars quality measures. US-Rx Care has become indispensable to self-insured employers and health plans above and beyond any programs or services offered through their PBM or any other resource.

We’re Proud of the Outcomes and Savings We Bring to Our Clients

You can explore some of those clients’ real success stories below in our library of case studies and video testimonials. Find out how much US-Rx Care could benefit your clients by scheduling a free savings analysis.

For entities that aren't taking advantage of this, you're missing a golden opportunity for savings.

– Milton E. Nagel, Deputy Executive Director
10,000 life school Consortium

Schedule a savings analysis to find out how much your organization can benefit with US-Rx Care.

Explore Case Studies

US-Rx Saving Strategies Case Study Mockup

Case Study:
How US-Rx care helped a multi-state hospital group save more than $10 million on annual drug costs.

Education in Savings Case Study Mockup

Case Study:
How US-Rx Care helped a multi-district educational nonprofit save millions in pharmacy benefits costs.

Drug plan savings case study mockup

Case Study:
How US-Rx Care saved a group plan $3.6MM a year in drug costs.

Group plan savings case study mockup

Case Study:
How US-Rx Care saved a grocery store chain $3.1MM a year.

Group plan drug cost savings case study mockup

Case Study:
How US-Rx Care Saved $58,669 a Year in Drug Costs for a Group Plan.

Group plan drug cost savings case study mockup

Case Study:
How US-Rx Care Saved $991,118 per year in drug costs for a group plan.

Group plan drug cost savings case study mockup

Case Study:
Securing a 5-figure savings with one psoriasis medication.

Client Success Stories

Milton Nagel clarifies his motivation for adding US-Rx Care. He describes the ease of use and his satisfaction at saving over 4 million dollars in 4 years – “it operates seamlessly in the background …”.

Ben Maibach confirms US-Rx Care has delivered on all their promises. Saving nearly 50% in the first year – “the same type of stuff that you are already getting on your pharmacy at a reduced price …“.

A broker explains her frustrations at the disparity in pricing and the lack of transparency that led her to US-Rx Care – “they educated us and armed us with the knowledge that we needed …”.

Find out how Ovation Health & Life Services, Inc, partner with US-Rx Care to offer low-cost sourcing.

Learn how US-Rx Care helped Vensure Employer Services create satisfied clients.

Listen to how Vensure Employer Services helped reduce employee copays through US-Rx Care.

Learn how US-Rx Care helps clients unlock cost efficiency with quality care and cost-effective sourcing.

Learn how Altique Consulting combined with US-Rx Care to get prescription cost reduction done right.

Video Library

Milton Nagel clarifies his motivation for adding US-Rx Care. He describes the ease of use and his satisfaction at saving over 4 million dollars in 4 years – “it operates seamlessly in the background …”.

Ben Maibach confirms US-Rx Care has delivered on all their promises. Saving nearly 50% in the first year – “the same type of stuff that you are already getting on your pharmacy at a reduced price …“.

A broker explains her frustrations at the disparity in pricing and the lack of transparency that led her to US-Rx Care – “they educated us and armed us with the knowledge that we needed …”.

Find out how Ovation Health & Life Services, Inc, partner with US-Rx Care to offer low-cost sourcing.

Learn how US-Rx Care helped Vensure Employer Services create satisfied clients.

Listen to how Vensure Employer Services helped reduce employee copays through US-Rx Care.

Learn how US-Rx Care helps clients unlock cost efficiency with quality care and cost-effective sourcing.

Learn how Altique Consulting combined with US-Rx Care to get prescription cost reduction done right.